Fun over fear.

Improv classes


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The rare Chicago improv form, the Cat’s Cradle, is a fluid, unfolding symphonic long-form improv of living environments with all performers onstage and active the entire set. For those unfamiliar with the form, the Cat's Cradle-

  • blends characters, narrative, genre, and game into one seamless showcase

  • has edits that are organic and show specific (no two sets have the same edits)

  • relies on dynamic stage placement and character blocking

  • is an entirely ensemble driven showcase of a form.

Improv experience of level 3 at any school is recommended but not a requirement. Reserve your spot below.

No current workshops scheduled. Request access to the mailing list below to be the first to know when new workshops go live!

Improv schools spend hours teaching you form, technique, tricks, and games. Improv schools do not teach you how to find yourself on stage, how to relax, how to improvise from a place of relaxation and confidence.

Fun over Fear will help you

  • develop stage presence, confidence, and address the fear of the unknown that is inherent with improv

  • Learn how to truly improvise in the moment with ease, and fluidity

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J.T.S. Brown is not a form so much as a philosophy of play. It is designed to have a higher level of theatricality and polish than a typical improv show, and to encourage any move to be made at any time, with the idea that anything that happens is the perfect thing to happen. J.T.S. Brown is the quintessential “you cannot break improv” form.

  • every permutation of players is a new and unique scene

  • emphasis on physicality, sound, and environment

  • think “outside the box” — playing area is not limited to the stage

No current workshops scheduled. Request access to the mailing list below to be the first to know when new workshops go live!

Slow Burn is patient, grounded, improv with that respects details, and the silence between our actions, and words. The result is highly rewarding and earned moments that connect the audience to the characters on stage.

  • slow, focused, grounded scene work

  • realistic characters, realistic scenarios

  • humor stemming from simplicity and relationship based connections

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The Movie is an exhilarating and dynamic improvisational form that takes inspiration from the world of cinema. As the name suggests, it aims to recreate the experience of watching a movie live on stage, with all the excitement, drama, and humor that comes with it.

  • allows for exploration across various genres, ranging from comedy to drama, action to romance, science fiction to horror, and everything in between

  • employ techniques such as flashbacks, montages, and jump cuts, and cinematic framing to enhance storytelling and create a truly immersive experience

  • seamlessly support and build upon each other's ideas to craft a compelling story.

No current workshops scheduled. Request access to the mailing list below to be the first to know when new workshops go live!

Scamble (aka Scramble Harold) inverts the form from two person scenes interspersed with group games to group games interspersed with two person scenes.

  • high energy start

  • allows for a dynamic stage picture not normally seen in a Harold

  • a remix on the classic Harold

No current workshops scheduled. Request access to the mailing list below to be the first to know when new workshops go live!

Fever Dream slips from abstract to the real moment to moment, word by word.

  • about as abstract as you can get

  • for individuals wanting to explore improv beyond that is taught at most improv schools

No current workshops scheduled. Request access to the mailing list below to be the first to know when new workshops go live!

4Track is a form that allows for idea generation at the top and middle of your sets. It requires lightning quick agreement, heightening, and acute active listening (physicality, tone, and vocal listening.)

  • High energy all the way thru - beginning, middle, and end.

  • Great for small to medium size teams.

The Ritual is connection, understanding of self, and pure improvisation.

The Ritual is

Curated workshops and classes are available.

Please use the contact form to set one up.